Give Generously

At Peace, we believe that giving is a practice that followers of Jesus are called to. We give out of generosity because of how much God has given us, to support God's ministry here in Seymour, and as a discipline to let go of something that often has a tight hold on our hearts. If you'd like to take this next step and give to God's ministry here at Peace, there's two ways you can do that:

  • Give In-Person

    If you're joining us in person and would like to give, you can do so by placing your gift in the plate as it is brought to you by our ushers during the 'Giving Moment' of our worship on Sunday morning. Thank you for your generosity! If you are interested in receiving envelopes for regular in-person giving, please contact the church office.

  • Give Online

    If you are seeking to give online, you can do so by clicking the link below. You can give anytime to one of the various funds you can find in our giving portal. You can choose to give as a one-time gift, or you can establish regular automatic giving through our giving portal. Thank you for your generosity and supporting God's ministry!